When you work with Gem Home Loans, you’ll have an experience unlike any you’ve ever had with any other Allen Park mortgage company. You’ve probably heard companies claim they truly care so much that it seems like a meaningless cliché. But at Gem Home Loans, that’s the absolute truth. In fact, caring about prospective homebuyers is one of the biggest reasons we started this business in the first place.
The team at Gem Home Loans has years of experience helping clients get the right loan for their specific needs. We’ve seen way too many instances where other mortgage providers did the exact opposite. They were laser-focused on trying to fit clients into a preconceived box, influencing them toward a certain kind of loan because it would generate a huge commission. If that loan led to years of financial misery for the client, well, that was just the cost of doing business.
The experts with Gem Home Loans decided that enough was enough. We started this business to make sure the people we serve get into the homes they want, but we do it the right way. When clients turn to us, they can rest assured we’ll know exactly what type of loan they’ll be able to handle. While we want to make a profit like any other company, we’ll never sacrifice the economic well-being of any client to do so.
There are actually a lot of different mortgage and loan options you can pursue when you choose Gem Home Loans. If you want a traditional 15-year fixed loan, for example, you’ll enjoy an extremely low interest rate, and you’ll build equity extremely quickly. The interest savings alone could result in tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket over the life of the mortgage.
But we won’t try to force you into a 15-year mortgage just because it would make us a lot of money. There are a lot of people who simply couldn’t handle it, because the monthly payments would be extremely high. If we believe you’ll be better off with a 30-year mortgage, that’s what we’ll recommend.
This kind of mortgage will have a higher interest rate, but the monthly payments will be much more manageable.
When it comes to other types of loans, you’ll have plenty of options as well. These are just a couple to keep in mind.
If you want to work with the best Allen Park mortgage company, work with Gem Home Loans. Learn more by contacting us online or calling (248) 780-1030.